Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Transformational Leadership - 3693 Words

Executive Summary of â€Å"Transformative Leadership: Achieving Unparalleled Excellence† For , MGT 3110 February 6, 2015 Abstract This paper summarizes the article written by Cam Caldwell, Rolf D. Dixon, Larry A. Floyd, Joe Chaudoin, Johnathan Post, and Gaynor Cheokas regarding the need for a new type of leadership in today’s social work environment, defined as Transformative leadership. The article itself varies in the definition, however in a broad sense Transformative leadership is maintaining good moral standing and sound business ethics among employees and individuals inside and outside the workplace. However, in order to reach this theoretical level of business related moral and ethical leadership known as†¦show more content†¦Once adopted, these styles in theory would create a leader that employees, fellow managers, and even those outside the work environment would notice and be able look up to as a distinguished representation of what a true leader should be. The Problem Maritz Research recently conducted a study in which they found that trust in leaders is troublingly low. By this they mean that only seven percent of employees believe that ‘‘senior management’s actions are completely consistent with their words’’ and only 25% agreeing ‘‘that they trust management to make the right decisions in times of uncertainty’’ (Maritz Research 2010, p. 1). In today’s real-world workplace, business professionals are struggling with a more challenging, complex, and competitive environment than any other time in history (Cameron 2003). Coming in right alongside with these problems is diminishing trust in leaders among employees (Heavey et al. 2011). In turn this brings up the argument that it is time for an updated leadership model in this modern social age, because when individually used these old models no longer seem to be effective in rallying employees together. There has been vast amounts of research done on the topic of leadership, and yet despite this it continues to be ‘‘riddled with paradoxes, inconsistencies, and contradictions’’Show MoreRelatedTransformational Leadership : Transformational And Transformational984 Words   |  4 PagesLeadership is one of the most important topics in management as it contributes a lot in well-being of an organization. Many organizations made to one of the top organizations in the world through effective leadership. This is because leaders make things happen. This essay will give you a short understanding about two different types of leadership styles and will examine the difference between two i.e. transactional and transformational leaderships through different examples and real life situationsRead MoreA Transformational And Transformational Leadership1104 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferent styles of leadership with which to lead their team and their organizations to success. 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